Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Recipes - Jube Jube Marshmallow Popcorn Balls

This is a very easy, delicious popcorn ball treat that my family just loved each Christmas. It is easy to prepare like rice crispie squares.


3 qts or 12c of popped pop corn
1/4c butter
1 (10 oz)bag of marshmallows
1 small bag of baking jube jubes (optional)


1. Pre - butter muffin tins or cookie sheets to put the popcorn balls on
2. Pop popcorn and put into a large bowl or roasting pan and set aside. Mix in small baking jube jubes with the popcorn or add them after with the marshmallow mixture which ever way you prefer.
3. In a heavy pot melt butter and marshmallows at a low heat and stir constantly so it doesn't burn.
4. When all marshmallows are melted pour the mixture onto the popcorn and jube jubes until they are well coated.
5.Grease your hands with some butter first then grab some popcorn ball mixture and shape it into a ball. I would let my children help me do this step. Put the popcorn balls into a muffin tin or on a cookie sheet and continue until you use up all the popcorn mixture.
6. Put them into the fridge to harden quicker and then you can put them into a container and keep them in the fridge to hold their shape. You can keep them on a plate but they soften. They are great gifts to give as well.

Optional: You can use food colour and food flavours instead of jube jubes if you wish but mix the food colour and food flavour in the pot when you finished melting the marshmallows. If you can't find any baking jube jubes you can buy the regular jube jubes and cut them into smaller pieces as this works as well.

These are a delicious treat and they never lasted long in my home.

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