Saturday, September 26, 2009

Zucchini Boats!

Word count: 403

By Queenie1
This is a very simple, easy to do recipe! It’s one of my family’s favourite recipes!
You need to go to a farmers market, a food stand or else a grocery store and purchase some smaller zucchini’s no longer than 15 inches. If you have 6 adults eating then you will need only 3 zucchinis and less if you have small children but they are also good warmed up later for another meal. Take the zucchini home and wash them off. You will need to cut the zucchini lengthwise in half. One half can feed one adult or be cut into smaller pieces for children so that will help estimate how many zucchini’s you need to purchase for your family.


1 lb Hamburger
1 16 oz can spaghetti sauce
1 Spanish onion
1 c Mozzarella cheese


Take a spoon and scoop out the zucchini centres of the zucchini halves to make the long zucchini's look like little boats. Put the scooped zucchini pieces into a bowel and cut into smaller pieces to use in the recipe.
Fry about 1 LB of hamburger with 1 Spanish onion. Drain the fat from the hamburger.
Get a 16-oz can of tomato or spaghetti sauce to add to the hamburger and onions. Now simmer on medium heat and add the scooped zucchini pieces so they soften. Cook for 10-20 min until the zucchini pieces are soft.
While this is cooking get some mozzarella cheese and grate it until you have about ½ - 1 cup.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees and take a cookie sheet to put the zucchini boat shells on. When the mixture of hamburger, onions, zucchini pieces are soft scoop the mixture into the zucchini boat shells until higher than the sides of the boat. It's okay to be rounded up high in the centre of the boat. Take some of the grated mozzarella to sprinkle on top of the zucchini boats. Bake for 30 - 40 min until the outside zucchini boat shell is tender so you can eat it like a squash.
This is a great way to feed a family a low fat meal like pizza without the flour. It's also good for vegetarians too if you just substitute the meat for something that you can eat.

Resource Box or Author Bio Information:Jeannette McQueen-Nobbs or Queenie1 has written some articles and was published. She has also written an ebook.Her blogs are:;;;;

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