Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Can You Eat Well On A Limited Budget?

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By : Judy Jantzen Submitted 2009-04-10 17:03:58
Learning to cook from basic ingredients is the big savings! Pressed for time? Cook extra and have it as fast food another day. Simple cooking is just that. It is a learned skill. If you can read, write and use a computer then you can teach yourself to cook. There is a wonderful amount of information including thousands of recipes for free on the web. It is a great family activity. Teaching your children to cook, helps them to appreciate the effort that it takes, as well as teaching them important life skills. You can learn together. Cooking is a great creative adventure! Please do not spend your food money on anything that does not give you good food for your nourishment. Sodas, chemical drinks and prepackaged foods are full of stuff you may not even be able to pronounce, hurt your health and your pocketbook. Yes, they taste good, but they do not nourish you. I like to make extra spaghetti, goulash, pizza sauces and soups to have on hand for fast food meals. A pot of old fashion oatmeal or cream of wheat will get you through several mornings of fast food, by micro waving a bowl full with some milk. It is a complete protein. Some raisins in it, will give you a fruit. Grits [ground cornmeal] with an egg stirred in and a couple of slices of cheese, is quick and easy. Stir fried rice with an egg added is both filling and a whole protein. It will fill you up and keep you going for hours. Vegetables that are easy on your budget are carrots, cabbage, celery and onions. Carrots and celery are so easy and give you lots of chewing, which is good for your need to chew and reduces your risk of strokes. Cabbage is a very versatile vegetable. Think of slaw, salad, leaves used as wraps for meat fillings, steamed and in soup. Onions and garlic are very good for your immune system as are a lot of herbs like oregano, dill, mint, rosemary and sage and they make a lot of foods taste great. Tuck a few of them in your garden or grow in a few pots. Use the web to find out all the medical uses for them. The very best in cutting your food bill, is an edible garden. Research has shown that a nicely set table with nice music gives the physiological perception of the food costing more and tasting better than the same identical food served on paper plates on a bare table. Just because your budget is pinched, does not mean that you can not treat yourself and your family well with the nice things you already have. You do not have to act poor! Try to make one dinner a week a special occasion with setting a fine table and playing some pleasant quiet music. Act as if important company was coming. It will also help your children learn how to do it, their manners and proper conduct, for their future years. Make it a very special occasion, regardless of your menu. It is a great time to talk with your family. Cloth napkins can save a fortune over the years and you are going to do the wash anyway. Biscuits, cornbread, pancakes, etc. are all good for you and easy on the budget. Making your own bread is good for working off stress. The kneading gives you good upper arm and breast muscles as well as saving money. Nothing matches the wonderful smell of fresh bread or cookies baking. Five cups of flour can make one batch of bread, which can give you a great homemade pizza, a pan of sweet rolls and another batch of rolls or small loaf. Fresh bread and homemade soup can make a feast. For desserts remember things like rice, bread and banana puddings. They taste great and are also full of good protein. The more protein you eat the fuller you will feel and the less food you will crave. Do not forget old fashion popcorn that you pop yourself. It makes a great snack for the family for a TV movie night. It is also a whole grain. Making a batch of cookies with your family will make pleasant memories for a lifetime. Author Resource:- Author: Judy Jantzen,is a freelance author who is actively engaged in writing articles for article marketing. Has spent many years in the kitchen cooking for a family of three.Article From New Ezine Articles

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